Boys & Girls Club of America

Boys & Girls Club of America

We're longtime fans of the work The Boys & Girls Club of America do, and we're proud to include the organization in our regular roster of charitable donations and partners. Ashley Finucan, a part-timer at The FIND and a full time Title 1 School Improvement Liason for Fort Wayne Community Schools, has seen firsthand how the BGCA positively impacts the lives of the children and families they serve, as well as the employees and volunteers. We've committed 10% of this month's sales to help fund BGCA's local programming, and asked Ashley to share with our readers her experience with this fine organization: 

"As an employee of Abbett Elementary, a FWCS in southeast Fort Wayne, I have witnessed the true, wonderful impact our local Boys & Girls Club of America has on our youth. During dismissal, my duty is to supervise the students who attend BGCA after school as they wait for the van to pick them up to take them to the facility. Our students are so eager to see each and every employee who comes to pick them up. They often run up to them, hug them and are so excited to go to the club. They have become friends of mine too, as we share about our lives and the common bond of the love for our students, and our role as part of our youth’s opportunities, their education and their growth. 
The Fort Wayne BGCA provides our students with so many amazing opportunities. Free tutoring, meals, character building, friendship, enrichment activities, mentorship, a safe space to be after school... the benefits are endless. Their mission is “to inspire all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens,” and I feel so honored that I am able to see that unfold through the lives of our students who attend. 
I often think of one student, who everyday after school while waiting for the van, would write a letter or draw a picture of a BGCA employee to give them when they got there. I think of two students, one African American fourth grader and one Hispanic first grader, who wouldn’t have had the opportunity to spend time together during school, but now because of BGCA call themselves twin brothers. I think of another student, who didn’t attend BGCA, who rushed to our dismissal spot everyday for the chance to chat with BGCA employee Mr. Beasley, and invite him to his soccer games (Mr. Beasley a soccer coach, as well as Jamar and Damarcus Beasley's father). I often think of the joy students had to show the employee who came to pick them up their art project, their improved grades, or share something fun they did in school that day. Sometimes, they’d share sadness and/or challenges they had experienced. No matter what, each BGCA employee showed support and love during each of those moments. They consistently share in their joys, give advice in the tough moments and celebrate their successes. Their impact speaks volumes. They truly are wonderful people. I am so honored to witness what BGCA does not only for our students, but youth all around the great city Fort Wayne and our entire country."


To learn more about BGCA, check out the organization's website and discover how you can support their mission with time, treasure or talent. 


Photo Credit: BGCFW on Instagram
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