The Year Ahead!

The Year Ahead!

Hello 2025! 

First off, I want to say Thank You for a wonderful holiday season. It is my absolute pleasure to be part of the small business community of Fort Wayne, and I'm thrilled so many of you gave gifts from our store during the holidays. The last year was full of highlights, for me personally (seeing T-Swift at Lucas Oil Stadium for one, and Disney with my family for two) as well as the store (New staff members! New customers! New brands!). Your support means the world to me, my family and Team FIND.

While we're still firmly in our snowy and grey season here in Northeast Indiana, I'm already looking forward to Spring. It's my favorite season because everything just feels so new, fresh and light. The anticipation of the return of sunshine is almost too much to bear...

Our Spring orders have already started arriving, and there are so many fun pieces headed to our racks and shelves. Keep your eyes peeled for clothing from Rails and Varley - there are some real showstoppers in their collections. Their color palettes are just chef's kiss perfection, and the fabrics are so beautiful, and most importantly, wearable. We are also adding more men's clothing so stay tuned on that front.

Jellycat continues to be among our top sellers, and it's no wonder -- the brand makes the softest and most adorable stuffed characters. We can't even call the category stuffed animals anymore because some of the most popular items happen to be things like croissants and toilet paper rolls! And just when we think Jellycat has topped themselves, they go and do it again and again. Because we consistently sell through the ever rotating seasonal collections, we don't always list them online right away so Fort Wayne can have first crack. If you or someone you know is a Jellycat fan (why does this read like a lawsuit commercial?), you'll just have to visit us in person more often!

See you in beautiful #DTFW! 

Love, Anya

PS - Shop my latest faves from all departments in the Anya's Picks edit here!


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